Reporting to Parents

Our aim is to communicate student progress and achievement to parents clearly and effectively. We use a combination of written reports, showcases of learning, special subject focus days/events and parent interviews.


Term 1 Acquaintance Night
This is held early in the term. Opportunity is provided to meet the teacher and establish connections with other HPS families.


Face to face, online and/or phone conversations will be offered towards the end of the term to review student progress.


Term 2 Written Report
Mid semester report outlining students’ progress against the relevant Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum sent home to all parents.


(National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy)
Students in Year 3 and 5 participate in NAPLAN testing in Term 1. Results of the assessment are communicated to parents in Term 3.


Term 4 Written Report
End of year report outlining students’ achievement against the relevant Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum sent home to all parents.


Throughout the year
Teachers will share learning via the school assemblies, the newsletter and Facebook.